Roof Collapse-18Greeting friends, early this morning (1:30 am or so) a section of the church roof collapsed under the weight of the snow. This section of roof was over the office. After inspection it seems that the open area of the office suffered the most extensive damage. The other 4 offices and the copy room seem to have missed the impact of the collapse. When the roof fell it broke sprinkler lines that poured into the office area and below into the music room. The fire department was able to turn off the sprinklers. The sprinklers in the other parts of the building did not activate during the ordeal.

And now for the good news. First, there was no one hurt. Secondly, because of the way the roof fell we didn’t lose any of the office computers or media team computers. Third, we were able to respond quickly and swiftly to the incident in large part due to our Chair of Trustees,Chris Coffman, Tim Revis, the trustees and all of those who helped shovel snow.

We will know more tomorrow as we talk with insurance, fire and flood and sprinkler people. We will update you on the status of the church tomorrow evening.

As we wait on these meetings, the building is closed. In the mean time please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

If you have specific questions, please email me (


One Response

  1. Keeping you all my prayers. Thank you to Chris Coffman, Tim Revis and all the trustees who shoveled snow!

Alison Housten

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