On the heals of the farmers market and yard sale sermon, we talked about watermelon at Fuel. We wrapped up our teaching series about the Fruit of the spirit with patience. With the end of the school year and a bunch more time to spend with family, we thought it would be good to talk about patience.
We talked about how watermelon represents how we are a people who are not patient.
- we don’t like to be interrupted- watermelon is a social treat though. I remember watching as a young adult of ours was so mad because her was trying to eat HIS watermelon that he grew and poeple kept asking for a slice. By the time he was ready to get his slice he was really mad that he had been interrupted.
We don’t like to be inconvenienced- it is hard to find watermelon with seeds these days because we don’t want to have to go through the trouble of spitting out the seeds. we want everything right now and when we have to wait or work hard we get impatient.
- We don’t want to be irritated-nothing is worse than having too many watermelon and no place to put them. Well the Japanese solved the problem by growing square stackable watermelon. We all have pet peeves and they are the silliest thing. We say things like “If only…then it would be ok.” But the truth is we are the ones that need the work, not the other poeple or things involved.
As we work to be a more patient poeple we need to look at ourselves and understand that we are guilty of being selfish and impatient. We need to be around poeple who are positive and don’t drag us down. And as we read in Psalm 40:1-5 when we wait on God with patience we find joy. We have to depend of Christ to give us the strength to be a patient people.