Yesterday was a really neat day in the community.  I got an email this morning from our FCA area director telling me that there was going to be a huddle happening at the middle school we worship in right after school.  “perfect,” I thought.  I grabbed my stuff and I was out the door.  Getting to the middle school I waited for the bell to mark the end of the day.

A minute later, while I was sending an email, The FCA leader introduced herself to me and said “follow me” before I even knew what was happening.  A minute later i was carrying snack, setting up tables and helping students call parents because of a forgotten permission form.  AWESOME!

I was blessed to spend some great time with community kids and put my volunteer youth worker hat back on.  It is refreshing not to have to plan a talk, games, check on food, make handouts…and the list goes on.  I just got to be with the students and it was great.

I also regained some perspective on what it is to be the new guy.  I was the odd person out.  Being an introvert by nature, i had to put on my extrovert hat and get to know the guys in my group.

Out of this I learned a couple of things:

  • Gained a perspective to take back to Sunday mornings about what it feels like to be new.
  • being thrown into the mix is a great way to meet students (play the games) rather than sitting on the sidelines. Of course I would play the games with the students when i woudl sub for gym class too.
  • It is fun to glimpse at middle school life but i wouldn’t ever want to go back in time.
  • Finally, even though i am a senior pastor now, Youth Ministry is still an area that makes my heart sing.

PS- Tonight I shot a video that one of our high school girls small groups was in.  If you are the new guy there, bring a baby with you.  You will be accepted right away, as long as you promise to keep bringing the baby.  If you can’t get a baby, then a puppy might be a fair substitute (especially one that is hypoallergenic)





6 Responses

  1. LOVE this, Chris Biship. Being with middle schoolers makes your heart sing, and it’s one of the many reasons I love that you’re my son-in-law!

  2. LOVE this, Chris Biship. Being with middle schoolers makes your heart sing, and it’s one of the many reasons I love that you’re my son-in-law!

  3. LOVE this, Chris Biship. Being with middle schoolers makes your heart sing, and it’s one of the many reasons I love that you’re my son-in-law!

Alison Housten

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