Steps to meeting our goals

I cane across this article today about meeting our goals and achieving our purpose.  I thought it had some good thoughts about ministry and for life in general…take a look.

7 Steps to Achieving Your Purpose |

Are you experiencing what God has for you—both in your life and as a youth minister? Are you fulfilled and growing? Are you seeing results?

Most of my coaching clients hire me because they aren’t fulfilled. Through my work, I’ve learned how frustrating it is to want to “live and lead from the inside out” but to have no idea how to get started. Here are some big-picture principles I like to share:


Are you experiencing what God has for you—both in your life and as a youth minister? Are you fulfilled and growing? Are you seeing results?

Discover Your One Thing
If everything else is stripped away in life, what’s the one thing that makes life worth living? Figure this out and you’re on your way to experiencing and achieving what God has for you. By the way, for Christians, “glorifying God” is a pretty good default.

2. Align Your “Being” and “Doing”
How does your one thing impact who you are and what you do? This step helps you create a purpose statement that’s in line with what God wants to accomplish in and through you.

3. Figure Out What You Don’t Want
Next, identify things in your life that won’t help you live out God’s purpose for you. What attitudes and habits need to change? Take action to flush out this stuff.

Alison Housten

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