Shotgun vs hand holding ministry

I am a fixer…

Though I know my limits (cars and things that cause expositions that could take off an arm), I really like making things better.  I don’t think that this is an uncommon desire.  If you see something broken or someone hurting many times there is a desire to fix it.

I am a guy…

I have a limited attention span, I missimplied meanings (ask my wife) and have to have things explained to me very simply.

Finally I don’t like the details…

The phrase “the devil is in the details” is used frequently by some of our staff.  Well that is fine, I think to myself, I am a pastor and should stay as far away from the devil as possible and therefore should only touch details with a ten foot pole

What do these three things add up to…they mean that I have the tendency to look for the quick fix.  If there is a problem I would like to fix it, move on and not worry about the little things.  this is where my shotgun imagery comes in.  At times I will blast out an e-mail, or make a decision that I know will fix or address a problem that is in my ministry.  I will throw a bunch of stuff at my target at one time and hope something sticks.  Have a problem the church is facing preach a sermon, the youth are going somewhere they shouldn’t lock that part of the building…problem solved.

I am quick to fix and move on to the next thing.  I like to make things better in one fowl swoop, but I know God (being relational) calls me to act and lead differently.  Look even at the way we find our salvation.  Not through a magic wand, but through the very personal and very relational life, death and resurrection of Jesus.

I have to be reminded that I can’t bombard a problem and them wash my hands of it.  In our ministry people are the priority, not just because they matter to us us because they matter most to God.  Rather than being the fixer, I have to slow down and journey with student, friends and family to see what they are really saying and going through.

When we are able to the a community (a church) that journeys together and holds hands through the hard things we are becoming the people God has made us to be.

How are you practicing hand holding ministry rather than shotgun programing?

Alison Housten

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