This week in worship at Faithpoint we are continuing our series on being the “Good News in the Neighborhood.”  We are going to be in conversation this week about the way that we are able to see the world in a new light because of the love that God has poured into us through Christ.

As a backdrop of this we are going to be taking a look at the life of the Apostle Paul (who was once Saul), and the way that he literally had new vision of the world after Christ came into his life.  Because of Paul’s powerful story, one he shared with many, others came to know the life giving gift of God’s grace for their lives.

We all have awesome stories to tell.  Some of the stories are really exciting like a 007 film or they rival a trip into Middle Earth.  Other stories are far more subdued.  They are gradual stories of the way God has chipped away at us.  This would be like my story.  For a long time I was bummed I didn’t have a burning bush, talking donkey (Balaam), or a prophetic Chi Latte.  In time I have come to see that even my story is one that needs to be told because it connects with people who are longing for God.  YOU have a story people need to hear.  You can be just what someone needs at just the right time.

Below is a tool that looks at the life of Paul and helps us write down our story so that we can tell others about the way that God is moving in our world.  I would suggest that the conversation begin with listening to the story of the others you are in relationship with.  Then, after listening without an agenda and getting to know them, it is your turn to talk about your story.  I hope you will be blessed with this tool.

If you use it I would love to hear your story.  Share it with me via email or over a cup of coffee.


Alison Housten

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