Through the past couple of days it seems like there has been 9000 things that have impacted MUMC in a powerful way and caused us to ask questions. I was getting ready for youth group this week and thought about all of the things that my kids and their families are in the middle of from the events of this past week.
- Tax day was the 14th
- We are the community where a quintuple murder/suicide happened and the family was connected with our preschool and day care programs. A huge number of our families were friends of the victims.
- 2 youth families lost grandparents
- a house burnt down behind the church as the 11:00 service was ending
there are a number of other things going on as well and I just couldn’t stop thinking about what a trying weekend it has been and the questions that have been raised. Yesterday the rain was coming down nonstop and I through it was the perfect illustration that “when it rains it pours”.
So where do we go and who do we turn to when life seems to tip upside down?
During our trip to the national Cathedral on Sunday I led the confirmands on a prayer walk and we talk about Psalm 121 and the pilgrims journeying to Jerusalem. Looking toward the city, their prayer was that they were gaining their strength from the One who made it all:
I lift up my eyes to the hills–
from where will my help come? ;My help comes from the LORD,
who made heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot be moved;
he who keeps you will not slumber.
Psalms 121:1-3
Powerful in trying times and comfort…

2 Responses
As I reflected yesterday on all that had happened over the weekend and watched the rain falling I heard MWS song “Healing Rain” on WGTS and was so comforted by the message God was sending that He is in control and will provide all that we need when we need it. We just have to be ready and willing to receive it.
thanks for your thoughts Cathy. It is true that our willingness to receive is a huge thing