My devo time stinks


Recently I was reading about the importance of spiritual disciplines. I really love to see the way personal holiness takes root in theories of others and I am encouraged when that inward devotion then comes out in really powerful external ways. As I read about the way that these Christ followers would get up every morning and begin the day with devotion and prayer I began to think about my personal devotions.
There are days where I get up and have time read scripture, pray, and then ideally go for a run all before anyone else in the house is up. But the reality is that this happens once a week when the girls are having a sleepover with granny.
The other days I am awakened by the Bethany wanting a bottle amid a fresh diaper. As I drag myself prematurely out of the bed I think about her going back to sleep so I can get my devotion time in (and maybe a couple other emails rather than a run).  However about 75% of the time just as Bethany falls back to sleep, Eden pads down the hall and is awake for the day and wants me to make breakfast.

This is all to say that I have a hard time finding a consistent time to spend with God in the morning when my eyes are open against their will.  So I have been trying something lately that has been working well.  I have a couple of journals in a couple of places and when I have some time that is free I whip out the devo that I have printed and can find online/my phone and spend devo time where ever I find a free chunk of time.  I know that this may not be the most ideal system, and it means that my journals and notebooks are disorganized.  Yet, I do get my much needed time with God in, I find time to pray every day before I get the baby in the morning and after they fall asleep at night and times in between.

If I try and fit my faith into a nice and neat package it will not happen.  If i want everything to be clean and all of the stuff filled in just so I am dreaming.   If i wait for the perfect time, my time with God will get pushed to the back burner.  If you struggle to find time then increase your odds with multiple journals or keep it on your phone (devotions are one thing I like to put pen to paper), also DO SOMETHING anything.  3 minutes with God is better than 20 minutes of good intentions.  Go for it. think outside of the box to get the time in.  Invite your kids to take part with you.  do what it takes to be reminded you are God’s each day.


Alison Housten

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