Why Can’t We Be Friends : lifeforceyouth.com
So I am sitting at my desk thinking about this week’s talk at youth group and it is all about forgiveness. Really it is about being able to forgive ourselves and to forgive others.
There was a study done by Group Magazine, the same company as we go on Workcamp with, that said that the top two things that students want our of their youth groups is 1. a welcoming place where they cam be themselves and 2. a place where they can have real meaningful relationships with other teens. Do you think that MUMC is a place like that? Do you think that you help or hinder this becoming a reality for our ministry?
Last night at small group we read 2 Samuel 6:12-23. this passage is all about King David danging wildly and totally being himself before God and all of the people that he was King over. He was dancing in his boxers (and nothing else). This sounds crazy to us, but David was crazy in love with God. Then His wife stopped him and told him he was being a fool. He told her he was being the person God created him to be, he was being himself.
How are you like David, being the person you know God made you to be?
How are you like David’s wife, trying to put down poeple when they are being themselves?
How can you work on building up and not tearing down this week?