I thought that this was a really neat article
Do we believe the promises that God Has given us with our whole hearts? Do we trust?
We should. Look what God has already done…. Give the whole article a look

On the bottom of every email send, I have written my life verse. Tonight, as I was typing my weekly email to my volunteer leaders, I just had to ask them: When was the last time you read the verse attached to my signature at the bottom? Then I asked them to go ahead, read it word for word.

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I dont believe that we trust the Lord will do “exceedinly and abundantly” more than we can conceive. That is the challenge to our faith to look beyond who we are and recognize that we are capable of anything because our Father is. Isreal sings it best, God wants us to take the limits off. He’s just waiting for us to let go and walk in the power He has bestowed on us.