Messy look back #1

Last night a group of us gathered at church to take a look at and own up to our messiness. We began studying Messy Spirituality and talked through the first chapter. If you weren’t there or would like to continue the conversation please feel free to make a comment here.

One of the of the things that Mike Yaconelli points out in the book is that we are all messy. We all have issues and none of us are perfect. He says that, “Messy spirituality is a description of Christianity that most of us live and only a few admit to.” These words fell upon me as I read them yet again and thought about the truth they hold. Further, when we are able to embrace our messiness, we find freedom. We find freedom from trying to measure up to something that we will never be, freedom in not having to wear the mask of the “perfect” Christian, and freedom to then see Jesus for who he really is.

Victoria made the comment that after coming home from a great event or workcamp she wished she could just be a really great person of faith.  The trouble is the shock of coming home to a place where not everyone is singing songs and loving Jesus.  We set the bar so high and we tend to fall on our faces trying to be super spiritual when in reality we are messy.  Yes it would be easier if there were 3 simple steps to being a great person of faith, but the truth is that the journey of becoming the person God created you to be is a very important part of faith.  Let us embrace our messiness and begin to see with Jesus has to offer.  After all Mike says, “Spirituality is not about being fixed but about God’s being present within the mess of our unfixedness.”

  • When do you feel the messiest?
  • Have you ever just wanted some magic formula to be a great person of faith without all of the work?
  • Who are some people that you look to for inspiration and guidance as you go throughout the mess of life?

2 Responses

  1. Mike Yaconelli has the best way of explaining things. I couldn’t put the book down! This book totally explains my relationship with God, and I would recomend it to any Christian.

  2. Megan, I totally agree…I love the way the he write because he is so honest and I feel like I can connect.

Alison Housten

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