The other day (remember when it was like 70 degrees) Seth and I went for a bike ride in the watershed. The thing that we didn’t think about was that the watershed is just about the only place in the tri-county area that still was covered in about 4 inches of snow. It made it really hard to bike. It was a mess of a ride and we gave up after an hour (only like 4 miles because i started the computer late).
There was about a 3 inch path of hard ice we could ride on and if we got off of that even a bit we were in the “powder”. This usually meant dismounting after spinning our tires for a bit. As Seth said when I asked him if he thought the ride was worth it, “It was an experience.” I will just add this to the list of ideas I didn’t really fully think through.
3 Responses
longest 4 mile ride ever
No fretting! I bet some of the world’s most revolutionary ideas were impulsive. Too much analyzing would probably end in doing nothing. Ever. Hope you and Seth had a blast despite the challenges. Love the watershed. Thanks for making us aware it exists!
it is a magical place