Faith Lab: Youth lessons for advent

Planning far out is not one of my strong points, but this looks like a great resource for advent (one of my favorite liturgical seasons).  Steve Case is a great youthworker and writer.  I hope that you would find this helpful in putting together your stuff leading up to Christmas.

I think that you could make some really cool videos from the words as well.  If I get around to it I will post them here so that you all can share in the fun.

Youth Lessons: Advent Vignettes | Youth Lessons |

Steve Case has written five vignettes designed to involve youth in the church’s Advent candle lighting services. Each vignette contains a creative “e-mail” representing a real or imaginary character from the Christmas story. The vignettes are posted as a separate articles and can be linked to below.

Advent is celebrated on the four Sundays prior to Christmas and on Christmas Eve. We encourage you to have your young people practice before reading the vignette. Encourage them to have fun with this and to “get into” the character.


Alison Housten

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