american thanks

I came across this picture this week.  I thought about how this is not at all the feeling of thanksgiving day that I have ever seen.  First there is no disorder, mess, or stress in this picture at all. 

If there was a picture that captured your thanksgiving what would it look like?  The closest to this picture my family ever got when I was growing up was when we went to our house in Canaan Valley WV and we went to THE BEST thanksgiving buffet ever.  It had all of the fixings and then some because the owners were Italian and added their favorite Italian dishes to an already full offering.   There was no prep, on clean up and no stress. Yet there was also little appreciation for the effort that went into the special meal.  There was no conversation while in the kitchen making the mashed potatoes or cleaning the dishes. 

When I think about student ministry there have to be times where we prep and clean together because often that is where transformation happens.  If there are not messes that need to be cleaned up then something isn’t right.

Few verses in scripture get to the heart of ministry like Proverbs 14:4

4 Where there are no oxen, the manger is empty, but from the strength of an ox comes an abundant harvest.

In student ministry talk this could be translated into “a church without youth will stay clean, but don’t expect to have a crop of young disciples in the coming years.”

Student ministry is messy.  Stuff breaks, spills happen and buildings are heavy used (but hopefully not abused).   In the end seeds are planted and disciples are made and the world is changed.  If you don’t want to deal with the messiness of ministry (keeping your stable clean) that is fine, but find another line of ministry. 

In the mess there is transformation.   Handing over leadership to youth is a risky and messy business but everyone is much richer for it.  It is a blessing to see the students making decisions about their future because of their faith.  I know that some of the most meaningful conversations I have had is when a young person discerns a call they feel on their lives because of how God has moved in their hearts.  I think back at the time we have shared, the silly games, the tears shed, the jokes and the thoughtful reflection and realize I wouldn’t change a thing. 

The next chance you get, go on and get messy!!

Alison Housten

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