Faith Lab: Core Values-Scripture

bibleThe other day I had the opportunity share some devotional time with our preschool teachers for the beginning of the school year.  We talked about the wonderful gift of teaching young people.  We talked about the wonder that is so clear when they encounter and experience something for the very first time. 

We reflected on the scripture Deuteronomy 6:4-9:
4 "Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD alone. 5 And you must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength. 6 And you must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these commands I am giving you today. 7 Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are away on a journey, when you are lying down and when you are getting up again. 8 Tie them to your hands as a reminder, and wear them on your forehead. 9 Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

We have a responsibility to pass on the history, tradition and story of our faith (corporate and our personal journey).  There are a number of different ways that we are able to do this.  This past weekend I witnessed some of our youth leaders leading small groups on our retreat.  They were sharing their stories in ways that intersected with our student’s stories and there was a wonderful exchange that happened. 

One of the primary ways that we are able to share this story is through our knowledge of scripture.  I know that being in God’s word as much as I can allows me to witness more faithfully to what god is currently doing in my life.  It allows me to connect my story with the larger story of God’s people. 

But the kicker here is that you have to be in God’s word to know God’s word.  You have to read, wrestle and grapple with it on your own.  you cant just read about reading the Bible or take someone else’s word for it.  You need to be in it so that you can lead others to know what God has in store for them. 

I would suggest you get a Bible reading plan and go at your own pace.  Don’t worry about getting behind in your reading, just be concerned that it is quality time with God.  Pray that God may illuminate the verses so that the Spirit may work in you.  Write notes, prayers, your own translation of what you are reading.  You can find great reading plans all over.  Just Google it or go to for some good places to start. 

Let me know what is working for you. What are you reading? What guides your time with God?  How do you most connect? 

Alison Housten

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