Faith Lab: Core Values-Gifts

DSC_0032Congratulations, You are gifted.  There are things that you do better, faster and with more passion than anyone else in your ministry.  There is something that gets your blood pumping and you feel like you are in your element, and you need to know what that is.  For some people that is being in the kitchen making the dinner or snack for youth group, others like to build relationships through small group, while others would be happiest pelting kids with water cannons as they are going down a slip and slide in the church parking lot.

Part of being the body of Christ is participating in the life of the church, both in the congregation and the community.  As a leader in the church I want everyone to serve, and serve in a place where they can pour out their gifts and be filled by the Spirit as they serve.

One of the things that we are going to be asking our students to do this year is to take a good hard look at where they feel like they can serve.  We are going to be asking them to fill out and talk with someone about the places where they feel like they are able to let their gifts shine.

We are also asking our youth workers to do the same.  To be able to articulate where they love to serve and why.  With this we would like you to take some time and look at our SHAPE inventory to see where you best fit.  This inventory is just a tool so the results are not definitive.  I took a vocational inventory in Middle School and it said I was going to be a trash collector, and now I am a pastor.  But the good news is that it gets us to have conversation about what we feel God is calling us to.

Are you in service to your church? Why or why not?  What are some of the things that keep you from serving in the areas you feel God is calling you to? Take some time and fill out our SHAPE tool.


Alison Housten

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