Faith Lab: Change the rules

I am not the best rule follower but I have been thinking about the way that we make unwritten rules and rubrics that we compare our ministries to.  I know that I have a habit of doing this and when I do, I feel like my ministry doesn’t stack up very well.  But, I shouldn’t be surprised by this.  My ministry is not playing by the same scoring system as the others and yet I try and compare them.

This weekend I am able to join with some other pastors and laity from around our conference for a day of Worship development.  One of the main speakers who will be there is Shane Claiborne.  Shane is an amazin guy who decided that he wan’t going to compare his ministry to other people, but he was going to rewite the rule book.  Shane makes his own clothes, and because of that he has a pocket that he can keep a balloon pump in so that he can make balloon animals for kids.  When you make your own pattern there is room for what makes you, you.

When we rewrite what our ministries are we re draw the lines and are able to make them what God has intended.  This is something that is very liberating because there is discernment rather than second guessing or copying what others are doing.  There is real spiritual food for our students rather than just snacks here and there.  There is community and connection rather than smoke and mirrors.

What makes your ministry unique?  How are you rewriting or creating your own rules?

Alison Housten

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