Connected (Part 3)

I am really a nerd in so many ways (my sense of humor and selection of computer are no exception).  I am a PC guy who would love to be in the Mac world, but they just don’t play well together.  Many poeple say that they do but until you have a mixed network of Mac and PC machines you will realize that they don’t (not to mention that you would always have to purchase 2x the software).

The problem is that they two different computers don’t speak the same language.  Even files created in equivalent programs on the different platforms don’t always translate and play nice together.

The last Connected post I wrote was about the way that creeds bind us together, but there is also the pitfall in that they can separate and drive a wedge between poeple if we look at them as creating insiders and outsider, Christian and non-Christian, or in a bit more polarizing language “saved” and “unsaved”.

When the insiders create fences and build walls sometimes doors are not installed, so insiders remain insiders and outsiders remain outsiders and they don’t connect.  As the church we must always be opening the doors to everyone.  We are called to invite others into the Good News and new way of life that God has opened up to The Whole World through the life death and resurrection of Jesus.

We are all looking to live lived us purpose and that have meaning.  So as we enter into living life abundant, we must not only leave the door open for others, but welcome them in with language, service and hospitality that resonates with their hearts.

Alison Housten

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