Connected (Part 2)

As our confirmation class wrapped up this past weekend we (the whole gathered body) joined in one voice and read The Apostle’s Creed.  We don’t often join in unison creeds, but there is some real value in being together in uniting together in this way.

Creeds allow us to understand what it is that we believe and affirm as Christians.  It allows us to draw from our common history, and tradition.  Creeds seem a great way to boil down our faith to the most core beliefs.  They are not intended to keep others out (more on that on part 3), but rather for the Catholic (universal) church to find unity.

This past weekend the scripture was John 17:20-26.  Here Jesus is praying for not only his disciples, but all of those who will come and hear the gospel through their ministry.  Unity of the church is one of the most powerful ways that we can witness to the Good New.

The bad news is that time and time again we (the church) play like we are on opposing teams.  Like church softball, but not just for fun.  In this way we turn many people off from church and likewise from them hearing and treasuring the Good News.  We need to remember that we are on the same team.  We can play and have conversation and disagree, but we must not lose sight of the fact 9perhaps one of the most important fact) that we need to stand united in the name of Christ.  We must be One Church Connected for the glory of God.

Alison Housten

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