Take a look at this video from the BBC. I think that is a bold idea for using a beautiful old Abby and transforming it into something new.
Could we do this with MUMC…
take a look

Take a look at this video from the BBC. I think that is a bold idea for using a beautiful old Abby and transforming it into something new.
Could we do this with MUMC…
take a look
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2 Responses
Check out all the other cool things they do: http://abbeyyouth.typepad.com/
I think we should have something crazy like that in the Social Hall, or even the Sanctuary. We always had movie night lock-ins at my old church (hint hint Get Smart.) Or we could have a music festival in the parking lot and throw Captain Crunch at people!
I think I’d get hurt if we do a skate park. Me and my balance issues. That is pretty neat, though. Let’s give it a shot 🙂
I love the accents!!!! haha
That was really cool though!! and you know our church would love that….hah I can name a few that might not. Sweet ideas sayre!!