So today I HAD to get outside for a little while and go ride. I didn’t think that I was going to until the sun peeked out and I got the itch.
I loaded up the bike on to “Thunder” my truck and took off.
Got to the top of the mountain and took of for a great ride or so i thought.
About 1/4 mile into the ride and my legs were spinning but my ride wasn’t going.
I had broken my chain and there was nothing but air being kicked. So I ended up walking back to the truck bike in tow. I was thinking that was God’s little way of telling me I should be working on the youth schedule I have been putting off.
When I got to my truck I came upon a guy that was just finishing his ride. I chatted with him about the day and how wonderful the weather was and then told him about my chain.
Turns out he was a bike mechanic for about 20 years and he was able to patch things up and get me back on the trail with in 5 minutes. HOW COOL IS THAT 🙂
I enjoyed the ride and then came home energized and ready to do a little work. So fun.