Being “True”


Originally uploaded by pastorchrisbishop

So yesterday we had a crew going riding. It was a great evening to play around outside. Toward the end of the run we came across a feature in the ride we have called the “Halfpipe”, it is more of a U shaped ramp but that is only details.
After clearing it a number of times i was beginning to feel confident. Then I bit it. It was a solid fall. As I went off of the ramp I knew there was trouble in my future. All I thought was “tuck and roll”.
Riding after the fall there was something wrong but i didn’t know what for the longest time. (See the video to see the wobbly wheel)
When a wheel is evenly balanced that call it being “True,” it is smooth and works with the rider for the best ride. When the wheel is not True then there is a struggle between bike and rider.
Have you ever had a day, week or even month where you felt like there was something that was working against you, like your life was not “true”.
I find that when I sherk my devotion time or I am doing things my way rather than thinking about what God would have me do or what is best for the family I am working against the wheels of my life.
How do you re-true yourself?

Alison Housten

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