Ok, so I have to say that there are some really cool parts about being a pastor.  One of the really neat things that I get to do on a weekly basis is sermon prep (study scripture, read books about cool things and share stories with other people about what they think about a certain topic).  There are many things that don’t make the cut for Sunday morning and that challenge or stretch my thinking throughout the week.  There has been some really rich interactions at church and online about these questions that we woudl ask God.  I thought that I would share some of the things from this past week’s prep that i found striking or that has stuck with me.
So this past week we asked the question, “how does hell work.”

  • One of the first things that got my attention was about the Jewish mentality about heaven and hell.  First, is that there is not that much thought given to these places when compared with the Christian mindset.  Secondly is that there is a school of thought that when you die you would die and as an unrighteous person that is it.  Where as the reward for being righteous would be eternity with God.  This got me thinking about assumptions that I bring to the table of thinking logically that if there is a real heaven there has to be a real hell.  Interesting.
  • The point that gave me the greatest pause this week was the idea that there is no room for hate in heaven even though the gates are wide enough for all who accept the invitation to come.  This is where the “heaven has teeth” idea comes from that i talked about on Sunday.  I began to think about the the refining fire in Issiah’s call story.  There is a pressing of a coal to Issiah’s lips.  Ouch, not a painless process.  I don’t know that God, who made each of us unique, would at the time of death transform us into cookie cutter people with the same look, thoughts, likes… Rather I have come to know God as loving diversity.  The diversity of heaven came to me for the first time when a deaf friend of mine told me that in heaven everyone will be signing…I never thought about that.  Diversity in heaven, yes.  So then where does the refining happen? Humm
  • The final thought from the sermon prep is the thought that heaven and hell can occupy the same space.  I can most clearly see this from an earthly perspective, but i still wrestle with this idea after death.  However, think about a party or event that as awful for you.  I am betting that there were those who had the time of their lives.  I think about high school and how some parts were so awful I would like to push them out of my mind, but to talk to friends from high school they were in heaven.  Think about the prodigal son story.  There is a party at the end of the story that the father throws for the younger son who returned while the older son didn’t partake.  At that party heaven and hell may be occupying the same space.  Like I said i am still wrestling too.

I am going to post some resources for further study at the church’s website so be on the lookout there faithpointum.org

Alison Housten

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