I have a confession. I am a sucker for a high score. I may seem like I am not much for keeping score, counting wins and losses and wanting to have good stats but I am. I can get sucked into the dumbest things just because there is a way to track, or monitor progress and accomplishment. This might be because I feel like it brings some order to a chaotic life and it may be that I am competitive to the core. This is one of the reasons I have loved having a Garmin watch tell me how far I have run and biked in the past couple of years. It keeps me motivated, on track and I can set goals.
So, with the dawn of a new year I am committing again to read through the Bible in a Year. a site I have written about before YouVersion.com has found a way to track and “keep score’ of how well I am doing. The site tracks your progress in your reading plans, has space to make notes and allows you to call an audible and catch up if you fall behind pace. Though I am supposed to be on day 3 right now, I have read ahead to build a buffer and I am on day 6.
If you would like to join me on the journey I would love it. I am doing the reading plan called “The One Year Bible”. Click here to check it out. There are a ton of other reading plans too. I did one throughout Christmas that went through the Christmas story scriptures.
Let me know how you are getting into the word this new year. I would love to share in the journey.