Enjoying the silence

I am sitting in the sanctuary after our Fuel worship service.  The energy of the service was awesome, but now as i write in the quite holy space i am filled with the awe of God.  Our youth are eating dinner and their conversation wafts through the open doors.  Yet my soul is at rest with the peace after the flood.  The spirit was defiantly in this place tonight as we filled our worship space with young people, their parents, and youth workers.  We filled our service tonight with liturgy of the passion story and readins from the psalms telling of the messiah.  There is something about scripture that is more powerful than any serom, song, or movie.  The raw emotion and core truths that are reveled quickly cut to the heart of what it is to be a beloved child longing for a parent’s love.  Two words for the night… simply beautiful.


One Response

  1. This is my favorite time during the whole night!! Just sitting in there with music playing softly, talking with God its so amazing! and I love how the service went last night! It was such a great idea!
    …other than you turned out the lights and I couldnt see what i was reading!!

Alison Housten

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