Wonderful Weekend

This past weekend was a wonderful time of connection and celebration.  I was able to preach about the way God calls each of us to do something really wonderful and unique.  In the wake of my ordination was was able to share my story about hearing God’s call in my life and how I have sought out how to live into that call through pastoral ministry.

I am so blessed that my MUMC took a risk and put up with me throughout the years and was accepting of my rough edges so that I could find where God was leading me.

It is my prayer is that every church is able to see, accept and cultivate that culture of call within all of the members of the community.

Also the one thing lacking in my ordination was a stockpile of ties.  This has now been taken care of by my congregation.  Such a wonderful part of the adventure.


3 Responses

  1. Chris, really proud of you and what the future holds for you. Sorry I couldn’t make it Sunday. The gr-daugters had a play off in soccer and were in the top 2. Pround of them. Good luck in the future for you and Kate. Job well done.

  2. And speaking on behalf of MUMC…we’re so glad you decided to stick with us all these years. We’re very, very proud of you and of Katie, as well. May your ministries be blessed for many years to come!

    And as for the ties…I think Katie should make you a stole with a little piece from each one…that way you can always claim you’re wearing your tie(s) when you’ve got it on!

    1. Kinda like Joseph’s coat of many colors, only Chris’s stole of many ties!

Alison Housten

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