Reading for betterness

I think that this is one of the best articles that i have read in a long time.  It is just a reminder of the importance of reading.  I think that i feel most in the groove and pleased with the ministry that i am doing when I am really attacking a couple of books when i am at home. 

When work seems to overwhelm me and my books take a back seat i feel less productive.  So I encourage you to pick up a book

Training in the Art of Reading |

Most youth directors I have met are frustrated…

…frustrated that their churches seem stuck in “the way it’s always been done, ”
…frustrated that the wheels of the church grind so slowly forward,
…frustrated about feeling stuck, powerless to bring about any real change.

But the few youth leaders I’ve met who know how to catalyze and navigate strategic change tend to have one odd quality in common: They are readers.

Alison Housten

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