How Will You Change the world

There is something that is powerful about coming together and being a people that can rally together to be a movement that brings about the kingdom of God to those who have lost hope and the light of the love of God is beginning to dim.

We are called ot change the world, to see that the promise of the joy of eternity with God does not just begin after we leave this life.  Rather that kind of joy we find in God and the hope we ave in Christ can begin TODAY, right here and right now!

But how are you going to be ONE that brings baout great things?  I think that one of the greatest sins of the church today is that we forget the call to do great things.  We settle for business as usual, when God is in the business of the unusual and unexpected.

How are you going to change the world today, this summer, this year and beyond?

Alison Housten

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