Faith Lab: Looking in the Right place

word worldEden has taken a liking to a show called Word World.  At first glance it looks like a strangely animated kids  show that was created on a shoestring budget and that is why the characters are shaped funny.  But a closer look shows the true glamour of the show.  All of the characters are made up of the letters that spell what they are.  The house, the bear, the ant that grows when they add a gi- in front of the -ant.  It is really clever.  I found myself pleased when i found that the bush was cut to spell out shrub.

This show is in direct contrast to the 2 days that I have been trying to work on a couple of websites and customize the code to change a couple of visual things.  Time and time again I made adjustments and nothing happened.  This is because i was editing in the wrong file.  When I figured out where to look I could see the difference my changes were making to the site.

In student ministry I think that we have to spend a lot of our time sharing ways with our students ways to look for God.  At times we get into a rut and feel like God had to show up in a particular way or at a particular time.  Yet as we search scriptures some of the biggest Bible heroes miss out on what God is trying to tell them the first time because they are looking or expecting God to come in a different way.

Spiritual hand-holding can come in the form of conversation, prayer or challenging students to get out of their spiritual ruts.  For this we have to be willing to try different spiritual practices ourselves.  Recently, while cleaning the house, I found a rosary.   For the past week or so I have been using it as a tool to help my prayer life.  I am not praying the rosary, but using it like prayer beads or a prayer rope.  This has been a great way to reconnect with my prayer time in a new way.

Challenge yourself and your students to be bold and look for God in some new places.  You will be surprised how God shows up.

Alison Housten

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