Faith lab: little things


Today I took a bike ride.  It was a very chilly ride that was much needed. It is just really nice to get out on the road rather than on a trainer. 

But if you take a look at the picture to the left you will notice that the saddle (aka seat) is not where it should be.  101_6278On my way back to the house there was a bump in the road that snapped the screw that held the saddle onto the seat post.  As a result I had to pick up the pieces and finish the ride without the luxury of a place to sit.  All because of a broken screw that is 1/2 the size of my pinky. 

Many in ministry times it seems like it is the little things that lead to big problems, seemingly overwhelming odds or heartbreak.  There are times where we need to ask some regular maintenance questions to our young people.  These might not me the most fun conversations or the most interesting, but asking the questions that tighten some screws before the come undone are worth more than we cold ever know.  John Wesley asked the question, “How is it with your soul” to his followers.  Are we doing this with our young people? Are we being intentional on asking our students about their hearts rather than just “How was your week?”  Asking questions about their devotional lives, relationships with the family allows us insight and opportunity to have some maintenance time with them .

Alison Housten

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