10 Signs You’re in For a Long Sermon « More Than DodgeBall

Such a great post from Josh over at More than DodgeBall!!! :-) 

10. There’s a case of bottled water beside the pulpit.
9. The pews have camper hookups.
8. You overhear the pastor telling the sound guy to have a few extra CDs on hand to record today’s sermon.
7. The preacher has brought a pile of Lunchables to the pulpit.
6. The preacher breaks for an intermission.
5. The bulletins have pizza delivery menus.
4. When the preacher asks the deacon to bring in his notes, they roll in a 4-drawer filing cabinet.
3. The choir loft is furnished with recliners.
2. Instead of taking off his watch and laying it on the pulpit,the preacher uses a sundial.
1. The minister says, “You’ll be out in time to watch the Super Bowl” … but it’s only September 13th.

10 Signs You’re in For a Long Sermon « More Than DodgeBall

Alison Housten

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