Practical Faith for Practical People

Month: June 2009

Steps to meeting our goals

I cane across this article today about meeting our goals and achieving our purpose.  I thought it had some good


When i read this post i thought that it was really powerful and it has been making me think a

some really good thoughts

I thought that this was a really great article that was a refreshing point of view.  Youth Ministry Models |

Being “True”

BustedBikewheel Originally uploaded by pastorchrisbishop So yesterday we had a crew going riding. It was a great evening to play

What was your Brick?

Today I talked about God throwing bricks to get our attention.  Later in the sermon I talked about a retreat

The view from annual conference

The view Originally uploaded by pastorchrisbishop Today was the first day of annual conference and it was a great time.

Alison Housten

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullam.


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