Practical Faith for Practical People

Month: June 2009

A Biker Gang

We went biking yesterday with a group from the church and I think we counted about 35 people that came


How would our lives and our faith be different it finding God’s will was like using a magic 8 ball? 

This Week in Tweets

thank goodness for order history and printable online recipts… 🙂 otherwise finance wouldn’t be happy with me # i have

Anwsers without a question…

     Through some of the reading that I have been engaged in I came across a great question.   I have

screen therapy

screen therapy Originally uploaded by pastorchrisbishop i have screened 16 tees today and there are more on the way… i

This Week in Tweets

best bike crash I can remember… but to be fair I don’t remember much of it 😛 # making a

Alison Housten

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullam.


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