Practical Faith for Practical People

Month: October 2008

fun on the water

fun on the water Originally uploaded by pastorchrisbishop just went on a water taxi tour of NYC and saw many

going to a show

going to a show Originally uploaded by pastorchrisbishop in line to see chicago…cool. i am really excited. this is katie’s


1003081230.jpg Originally uploaded by pastorchrisbishop made it to NYC and we are having the best time so far. Katie and

the trip starts

the trip starts Originally uploaded by pastorchrisbishop making our way to new york to see aunt gee-gee

Eden at play

Eden at play Originally uploaded by pastorchrisbishop here is eden playing peek-a-boo in VA. kinda fun

Alison Housten

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullam.


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